WEB規格. NX 250 Ultimate. NX 350h Ultimate. 引擎. L4 16-Valve DOHC with Dual VVT-i (A25A-FKS) 汽缸容量. 2,487 cc. 引擎最大馬力輸出. 206 PS / 6,600 rpm.
了解更多WEBНовый Lexus NX 200 【 Лексус NX 200 】 Цена Технические характеристики Тест-драйв Кредит Гарантия Сервис | Купить Lexus NX 200 в официальном дилерском центре Лексус Киев Запад
了解更多WEB227 kW. Total System Output (Engine & Hybrid System) 1.4 L/100km. Fuel Consumption (Weighted Combined) - WLTP conversion². BUILD YOUR NX. Explore model. Reconceived to contribute towards a carbon-neutral society, this dynamic SUV is powered by human-centered technology. Discover the Lexus NX crossover SUV, available in hybrid and …
了解更多WEBLEXUS NX200 豪華版 2024年式,不專業開箱分享! LEXUS NX200上半年累積交車超過7,600輛,是今年上半年熱銷排行榜的第3名!. Lexus的極光鈦真的很好看!車艙隔音很棒,寧靜度讓人滿意。. 比較遺憾的是360度環景功能不在標配內,需要再選配加裝。. 每個門都有單 …
了解更多WEBMileage: 47,020 miles MPG: 22 city / 27 hwy Color: White Body Style: SUV Engine: 4 Cyl 2.0 L Transmission: Automatic. Description: Used 2020 Lexus NX 300 with All-Wheel Drive, Led Lights, Ventilated Seats, Fog Lights, Alloy Wheels, Keyless Entry, Spoiler, Roof Rails, Heated Seats, 18 Inch Wheels, and Lexus Enform.
了解更多WEBThe 2024 Lexus NX 250 starts at $39,055, and this base model comes with a long list of standard features, a 203-horsepower engine and front-wheel drive. All-wheel drive is optional for $1,600. Individual options and packages range …
了解更多WEB將要扛下今年 Lexus 銷售重任的 Lexus NX 車系,自去年12月底正式上市之後瞬間引爆豪華中型 SUV 市場的戰火,這次和泰汽車大手筆提供 NX200、NX250、NX350、NX350h 與 NX450h+ 五種動力、十種規格的配置,價格帶也從 163 萬擴展至 273 萬,琳瑯滿目的選擇以日本車廠來說相當罕見。
了解更多WEBTHE 2025 NX LINE. From the distinctive style and performance of the F SPORT to the highly versatile plug-in hybrid, get to know some of the driver-inspired features found across the NX line. Limited PHEV availability. See your preferred Lexus dealer for details.
了解更多WEBNX 3 0 0. Experience razor-sharp styling that conceals a 2.0-liter turbocharged in-line four-cylinder engine delivering 235 horsepower.2 Every NX model features Amazon Alexa3 …
了解更多WEBTHE 2025 NX LINE. From the distinctive style and performance of the F SPORT to the highly versatile plug-in hybrid, get to know some of the driver-inspired features found …
了解更多WEBFind Used Lexus NX 200t Cars for Sale by Trim. Test drive Used Lexus NX 200t at home from the top dealers in your area. Search from 576 Used Lexus NX 200t cars for sale, including a 2015 Lexus NX 200t AWD, a 2015 Lexus NX 200t F Sport, and a 2016 Lexus NX 200t AWD ranging in price from $10,950 to $34,995.
了解更多WEB自2025年式起,為了滿足車主多元的使用需求,Lexus 導入全新NX 350 Overtrail版,外觀不僅搭載霧黑紡錘型水箱護罩、18吋專屬消光黑鋁圈、黑化車門把手、後照鏡及車側飾條,更推出Overtrail版專屬外鈑色-浩悍棕,以彰顯車主獨特生活風格。
了解更多WEB不論你買的是Lexus NX的哪款車型,也不管是入門或頂規,你都能享受到全方位的用車安全與一個純日式職人的車艙氛圍,以及輕快舒適寧靜的行路性 ...
了解更多WEB當時旁邊展示的是我一直覺的好看但是售價超出預算的NX200 (當時並不知道他改款並有NX200這個車型) 所以為了過過乾癮 就上去試坐了一下 整體內裝真的是不錯 有質感 後來業務主動告知這台展示昨天才到. 我隨口問了一下多少 業務回答158萬 我驚了一下 因 …
了解更多WEB以下為建議資訊 車輛廠牌/年份/型號:Lexus/2023出廠/2024年式/NX200 車輛原廠編成等級:豪華版 是否含保險:含 是否含領牌稅金 ...
了解更多WEB但期間剛好遇到lexus業務, 想說來我家試停停車位, 結果家父完全就愛上了lexus, 雖然配備不及kia, 但普遍長輩其實對lexus及雙b都有一點憧憬, 看爸爸辛苦大半輩子目前68歲, 從我出生到現在而立之年, 基本上家裡頭都有一台車載著全家大小遮風避 …
了解更多WEBNX 3 0 0. Experience razor-sharp styling that conceals a 2.0-liter turbocharged in-line four-cylinder engine delivering 235 horsepower.2 Every NX model features Amazon Alexa3 compatibility, as well as class-leading standard Lexus Safety System+ 2.0.4,5 And added iPhone®6 functionality via Apple CarPlay®7 integration.
了解更多WEBНовий Lexus NX200. ПЕРЕГЛЯДОВАНА ЗОВНІШНІСТЬ Створюючи незабутнє враження з усіх боків, NX може похвалитися абсолютно новою платформою, яка створює основу для всіх наступних можливостей.
了解更多WEBLexus NX200試駕心得. 這次試駕173萬的NX200 豪華版,這就整合我個人喜愛的優點與缺點給想要購入的朋友們參考看看!. 每台車都有優缺點就看自己能不能接受他~. 優點:個人喜歡的優點. 安全系統提升到LSS 3.0+. 底盤TNGA模組化. 引擎馬力提升到173匹 2.0 / 扭力21公 …
了解更多WEB保全系統. 保固. *1 油耗值資料來源:經濟部能源局公布資訊。. *2 以年平均行駛 15,000 公里除以油耗測試值計算。. *3 排氣量等級:NX 450h+、NX 350h、NX 250 為超過 2,400 c.c. 至 3,000 c.c. ; NX 350、NX 200 為超 …
了解更多WEBLexus NX 250. The entry-level NX 250 has a $39,425 starting price, and it's equipped with a 203-horsepower four-cylinder engine, an eight-speed automatic transmission, and front-wheel drive. Opting for all-wheel drive is an extra $1,600.
了解更多WEBMileage: 113,524 miles MPG: 22 city / 28 hwy Color: White Body Style: SUV Engine: 4 Cyl 2.0 L Transmission: Automatic. Description: Used 2017 Lexus NX 200t with Front-Wheel Drive, Fog Lights, Alloy Wheels, Keyless Entry, Spoiler, Roof Rails, 17 Inch Wheels, Lexus Enform, Satellite Radio, and Heated Mirrors. More.
了解更多WEBPerformance. From RM 415,888.00. Horsepower (hp) Torque (Nm/rpm) Acceleration (0-100 km/h) BOOK A TEST DRIVE. View model grade details. Reconceived to contribute towards a carbon-neutral society, this dynamic SUV is powered by human-centered technology. Discover the Lexus NX.
了解更多WEB雖然動力與操控性和歐州車有差別,但如果是接送小孩、順順開,作為代步車也OK. 前陣子有去看Model Y,但想拿HW4,想說先買NX200再觀望看看。 請問版上大大看這張菜單如何? 還有隔熱紙3選1有什麼好推薦嗎?
了解更多WEB此外,特別為台灣開發保留的NX 200車型,其採用2.0升自然進氣引擎,馬力較現號進一步提升至173匹,同時兼具絕佳的油耗表現來到15.8 km/L,更優於現行的NX 300h車型,勢必將成為豪華SUV的熱門選擇。. 而有較大動力需求之消費者,亦可選擇2.5升自然進氣引擎,徹底 ...
了解更多WEB我被这个入门车型惊艳到了,试驾雷克萨斯新一代NX200. UCAR汽车网站 . 关注. 虽然编辑部已经陆续试驾过搭载 2.4 升涡轮增压汽油引擎、拥有 279 匹 (PS) 最大马力的 NX 350 F Sport,以及 NX 车系首见的插电式油电车型:NX 450h+ F Sport,但是我们其实更好奇的是 ...
了解更多WEBTHE 2025 NX LINE. From the distinctive style and performance of the F SPORT to the highly versatile plug-in hybrid, get to know some of the driver-inspired features found …
了解更多WEBPLANO, TEXAS (June 11, 2021) – Ushering in a new era of luxury, Lexus is embracing electrification, intuitive technology, performance, and design. The all-new 2022 Lexus NX delivers a long list of firsts, including the all …
了解更多WEBThe 2015 Lexus NX 200t is powered by a 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine that produces 235 horsepower and 258 pound-feet of torque. A six-speed automatic transmission and front-wheel ...