WEBCPM S35VN is a high-end stainless steel produced by Crucible Industries, designed for knife-making. It is an improvement on the earlier S30V steel, with added Niobium for enhanced toughness and ease of sharpening. It is known for its great edge retention, corrosion resistance, and high hardness. Typically, S35VN can achieve a …
了解更多WEB本文将深入探讨这三种钢材的独特性能,以及为什么 MagnaCut 在丛林生存和生存任务中使用的固定刀片中脱颖而出。. 比较钢材类型:CPM-3V、S35VN 和 MagnaCut. 在深入了解具体细节之前,我们首先对这些钢材类型有一个总体了解:. 1. CPM-3V :CPM-3V 以其韧性和抗断裂性 ...
了解更多WEBAt A Glance. CPM S35VN is considered an excellent steel for knives due to its high toughness, hardness, and corrosion resistance. CPM S35VN steel offers exceptional edge retention and ease of sharpening, making it more versatile and user-friendly compared to other steels like CPM S30V. Despite its premium-grade status and …
了解更多WEBS35VN Heat Treatment Recommendation. Therefore I recommend heat treating S35VN by austenitizing for 15 minutes at 2025°F, plate quenching, a liquid nitrogen treatment for at least 30 minutes, and tempering between 300 and 400°F twice for 2 hours. Choose the tempering temperature depending on the desired hardness.
了解更多WEB这意味着 14c28n 可以吸收更高的冲击力而不破裂。14c28n 的高韧性可与 aeb-l 和 420hc 等以延展性和强度着称的 钢材 相媲美。 相比之下,cpm s35vn 的韧性较低,与 vanax 和 cpm-154 等钢相似。 14c28n 显着提高的韧性意味着在承受高力时具有更强的抗碎裂、开裂或断裂能力。
了解更多WEBCPM s35vn 锐度:规则说钢越硬,越难磨,我们的S35V是非常硬的钢,磨不是一件容易的事。 CPM s35vn 韧性: 与耐磨性和耐腐蚀性相比,良好的韧性得到了很好的平衡,这使得 S35V 成为一种超级钢材,提供了每个刀具用户在钢材中寻找的三种品质。
了解更多WEB但不久之后,坩埚工业就退出了一款较高级别的刀具钢材:cpm s35vn。cpm s35vn的韧性和易磨性都比cpm s30vn要好。与cpm s30vn相比,cpm s35vn中加入了一定量的铌,提高了韧性,拥有更优异的耐污性、耐腐蚀性。 cpm s35vn是坩埚工业 "sxxv系列"中的优质不锈钢。
了解更多WEBThis steel is tough enough to resist chipping or breaking during heavy use. CPM S35VN, with a Rockwell hardness (HRC) of 58-61, matches CPM20CV in hardness. It's designed to resist chipping and breaking even under heavy-duty use. Toughness. Toughness measures a steel's ability to resist chips and cracks under stress.
了解更多WEB我认为这要归功于 cpm s45vn 更精细的微观结构,除其他因素外,这可归因于以其非常精细、坚硬的碳化物而闻名的铌的存在。目前,还没有 cpm s45vn 制成的刀具,但这种情况很快就会改变。我猜测 cpm s45vn 将被定位为cpm s35vn 钢和cpm s30v 钢的 …
了解更多WEBCPM S35VN 3.0% 0.5% 10.5% 14.0% CPM S30V 4.0% 10.5% 14.5% 440C 0% 12.0% 12.0% 154 CM 0% 17.5% 17.5% CPM S90V 9.0% 11.0% 20.0% Toughness (Transverse …
了解更多WEB3.00. CPM S35VN is a martensitic stainless steel designed to offer improved toughness over CPM S30V. It is also easier to machine and polish than CPM S30V. Its chemistry has been rebalanced so that it forms some niobium carbides along with vanadium and chromium carbides. Substituting niobium carbides for some of the vanadium carbides …
了解更多WEBCPM S35VN steel is a type of steel first made by the company Crucible, who are responsible for the creation and manufacturing of lots of different types of steel. CPM S35VN is one of their high-end …
了解更多WEB这种 MagnaCut 钢的另一个卓越之处是边缘保持力,由于其高硬度,这是预期的。研究发现,由这种钢材制成的刀片与由 CPM 4V、 S35VN 和CPM CruWear等高端钢材制成的刀片具有相同的刀刃保持力。 即使使用 MagnaCut 刀具切割绳索和纸板等物体,也能保持锋利的边缘。
了解更多WEBMade in the USA, CPM S35VN and its predecessor CPM S30VN, was the first CPM steel developed specifically for knife making. It has superior edge holding to any other steel used in kitchen cutlery manufactured today but that is only the beginning of the story. Edge holding is only one characteristic that is important in superior kitchen knife ...
了解更多WEBDurch das Niob wird CPM S35VN Stahl 15 bis 20 Prozent härter als S30V. Trotz der hohen Zähigkeit dieses Stahls, die in der Regel die Verschleißfestigkeit eines Stahls verringert, verliert S35VN nicht von seiner überlegenen Verschleiß- und Spanfestigkeit. In Kombination mit Kohlenstoff machen die Niobkarbide den Stahl effektiver gegen ...
了解更多WEBSummary of cpm 154 vs s35vn. CPM 154 vs S35VN are two of the most popular high-end knife steels. CPM 154 is a stainless steel that has a high level of toughness and is relatively easy to sharpen. It has excellent corrosion resistance and is often used in high-end kitchen knives. S35VN is a powdered steel that has superior …
了解更多WEBElmax和CPM-S35VN都是高性能刀具钢材,由不同的钢材制造商开发,具有各自的特性和优点。下面是对它们的简要比较: Elmax: Elmax是奥地利Bohler-Uddeholm开发的粉末冶金不锈钢。 它具有出色的综合性能,包括优异的切割能力、良好的耐腐蚀性和高硬度。 Elmax钢通常具有HRC 58-61的硬度,能够保持锋利的刃口 ...
了解更多WEB今天给各位分享cpm-154粉末钢的知识,其中也会对s35vn粉末钢进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧! ... 1、154CM是生产相对较早的一种钢材,而CPM-154还比较年轻。154CM是常规铸造的不锈钢,而CPM-154是粉末钢,与154CM相比,CPM ...
了解更多WEB鋼材. RWL34; CPM MagnaCut; Damasteel® / ダマスチール; Alleima 10C28Mo2; Sandvik 14C28N; V金10号(VG-10) クロマックス(V銀1号+SUS410Sクラッド材) D-2; SUS440-C; HMS-67; SK85(炭素工具 …
了解更多WEBCPM 20CV is a high-end stainless steel offering exceptional edge retention and corrosion resistance. While S35VN has lower edge retention and corrosion resistance compared to 20CV, it boasts superior toughness and ease of sharpening. If toughness is a priority, S35VN is the better choice, but for ultimate edge retention and corrosion resistance ...
了解更多WEB一些简单的分析结果,我们从cpm 20cv的钢材元素含量中能窥得一二。 ... 就像s35vn比s30v多加了"铌"这个元素,所以在资料上我们能见到s35vn的韧性、耐污性、耐腐蚀性都比s30v优秀这种说法,但是如果没有经过正规的切割测试,恐怕大多数人在实操中都感受不出 …
了解更多WEBWhen compared to CPM S30V, the Niobium Carbides in CPM S35VN stainless steel make the steel approximately 15-20% tougher, resulting in the blade becoming more resistant to chipping and cracking. Pro #2 – Improved machinability . CPM S35VN is usually preferred by craftsmen and bladesmiths since it is easier to machine, …
了解更多WEBCPM-S35VN 钢是一种优质的粉末冶金不锈钢,广泛应用于高端刀具制造。以下是 CPM-S35VN 钢的一些特点和优势: 良好的耐腐蚀性: 含有14%的铬,这使得它具有出色的抗腐蚀性,适合在潮湿或腐蚀性环境中使用。 出色的刃持久性: CPM-S35VN 钢通过添加合金元素(如钼和钒)来提高硬度和耐磨性,从而保持 ...
了解更多WEBS35VN steel is an improvement of S30V steel and offers improved toughness and edge stability compared to S30V. Specifically, S35VN steel is typically 15-20% tougher than S30V steel and has slightly better edge retention. This makes it a great choice for knives that will be subjected to slightly heavy use and need to maintain a …
了解更多WEBcpm-s35vn。 米国クルーシブル社の高炭素粉末ステンレス鋼。 刃物の鋼材として全てのスペックが非常に高く、後身のS30VNの唯一の難点だった靱性にニオブを加えること …
了解更多WEBS35VN Steel composition. Carbon C 1.34%: Increases the edge retention, hardness and tensile strength. It also improves steel resistance to wear, abrasion and corrosion. Chromium Cr 14.00%: More than 11% of Chromium is what makes "stainless" steel. Formation of Chromium carbides Increases hardness, tensile strength and …
了解更多WEBCPM 3V边缘保持. 该钢的最大工作硬度为60 HRC,还提供了极好的边缘保持力。它比D2和A2等工具钢具有更好的边缘保持力。然而,它的锋利度可能不如像s30v和s35vn这样的优质钢材。 CPM 3V是完美的刀钢吗?
了解更多WEBcpm-s35vn。米国クルーシブル社の高炭素粉末ステンレス鋼。 刃物の鋼材として全てのスペックが非常に高く、後身のs30vnの唯一の難点だった靱性にニオブを加えることで弱点が無くなったハイスペックブレードです。
了解更多WEBIn stock all CPM® knife grades, 154-CM, D-2 and 440-C. NIAGARA SPECIALTY METALS 716-542-5552 Crucible's dedication to the knife in-dustry since 2000, and their develop-ment of specifi c cutlery grade steels, has benefi ted knife makers with ad-vanced steels alloyed specifi cally for knife performance. CPM S35VN® is