WEBSubaru cars are built with safety as a primary goal. We care about the safety of you and your passengers. The world's top safety institutes have taken notice and have given us stellar ratings. Learn More. Disclaimer: Pictures are for illustrations purposes only. Actual specifications may vary according to specific market regulatory requirements.
了解更多WEB株式会社subaru(新卒) 自動車部門(中途採用) subaru lab採用情報(キャリア採用) オープン採用情報(中途採用) 航空宇宙カンパニー(中途採用) 障がい者採用(中途採用) subaru販売会社; 関係会社採用情報; 期間従業員採用情報; 高校生採用情報
了解更多WEBCamden, N.J. Corporate Headquarters. Based in the Delaware Valley since 1968, Subaru moved into our new headquarters in Camden, NJ, in 2018. Lafayette, Ind. Zero-Landfill Assembly Plant. The Subaru of Indiana Automotive zero-landfill plant is the home of North American Subaru production, employing over 5,600 Associates. Across the U.S.
了解更多WEB從幾代全美國家拉力錦標賽的賽車中汲取設計靈感,2024 WRX 具有足夠的驅動力,可調式懸吊系統可實現精確控制,以及標準的對稱式四輪驅動 – 這是 Honda Civic Si、Hyundai Elantra N 和 Volkswagen GTI 都無法提供的功能. 愛上 WRX 的理由. Subaru 效能工程. 憑藉其標準的 2.4 ...
了解更多WEB歡迎親臨陳列室,了解SUBARU車款的獨特之處。. 親身試駕體驗SUBARU車款的過人魅力。. 了解更多詳細規格及有用的車款資訊。. Subaru builds SUVs and cars that fit any lifestyle, from the adventurer …
了解更多WEBKiku的首款折刀"SUBARU"功能有所改进! "SUBARU GII"(第一代)限量200个自2016年发布首批"SUBARU"折叠刀以来,我们一直收到许多恢复折叠刀的请求。 为了符合要求,Kiku正在努力改进功能,最终推出了"SUBARU GII"第二代折叠刀。
了解更多WEB愛上 BRZ 的理由. 專為提供高效能動力而設計. 2024 BRZ 給您帶來足夠的加速能力和更多的樂趣,強勁的 2.4 公升直噴式 SUBARU BOXER ® 引擎可提供 228 馬力 — 這比 Mazda MX-5 Miata 和 Honda Civic Si 的標準馬力還要大。 作為新款 2024 車型,BRZ tS 是由 Subaru Tecnica International (STI) 的賽車運動專家設計,旨在增強 BRZ ...
了解更多WEB为什么斯巴鲁在美国都卖疯了,在国内却销量惨淡?看完斯巴鲁在美国的售价,车主心碎了! 2020年,斯巴鲁全球销量107万辆,其中在美国的销量约61万台,而在中国市场,斯巴鲁一整年仅仅卖出了2.5万台,斯巴鲁的 …
了解更多WEBSubaru Europe. Our ambition is to have more European drivers discover the unique experience a Subaru offers. Our advanced systems make a proven contribution to safety in vehicles that fully meet lifestyle needs. Test-drive a Subaru! Book a test drive. Subaru Connected. Subaru MEDIA. Service. Subaru Europe TV.
了解更多WEB360°. +191. Good. 7.9. out of 10. edmunds TESTED. Aside from lackluster acceleration, there's a lot to like about the Subaru Forester. This crossover SUV delivers the feel and rugged attitude ...
了解更多WEBCustomize your perfect Subaru vehicle with our tools. Choose models, trims, options, and colors. Build yours today!
了解更多WEB極限の世界で"品質"を磨き、 カスタマーチームとの絆を築く. 2024/03/21. SUBARU 令和6年能登半島地震による被災地域への従業員寄付について. 2024/03/19. 「勝つ」ための 「チームづくり」とは?. ー 陸上競技部・硬式野球部・ 技能五輪 監督座談会 ー. 2024/02/12 ...
了解更多WEBWith its standard 2.4-liter direct-injection turbocharged SUBARU BOXER®engine, the four-door 2024 WRX delivers 271 horsepower. That's more than the Honda Civic Si or Volkswagen Golf GTI. Reasons to Love WRX. Versatile with Advanced Technology and Safety. Every WRX sports sedan in the lineup is packed with state-of-the-art technology.
了解更多WEBSubaru's Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive and Boxer Engine deliver the ultimate in stability, performance and control. You can rely on a Subaru in unpredictable weather and road conditions. Learn More. DESIGNED FOR SAFETY. As well-prepared as possible. Subaru cars are built with safety as a primary goal. We care about the safety of you and your ...
了解更多WEBすばるスチールは、鉄鋼業界のワンストップカンパニーとして材料調達から加工、そしてご指定の場所への配送まで、 お客さまが必要とされる製品とサービスをお届けします。
了解更多WEBConsumer ( N/A) 227 Miles. Estimated EV Range. The Subaru Solterra electric compact SUV is enhanced for 2024 and brimming with cutting-edge technology, but still only offers up to 227 miles of ...
了解更多WEBすばる鋼材(本社=大阪市浪速区、木水勲社長)は、設立20周年を迎える8月1日を機に、社名を「すばるスチール」に変更した。今年5月には大正倉庫の建て …
了解更多WEB阪和興業の子会社で鋼材加工品を販売するすばる鋼材(本社・大阪市浪速区、社長・木水勲氏)は、大正倉庫(大阪市大正区)の建て替え工事が完了し、5月18日から「大正物流センター」として新倉庫 …
了解更多WEB斯巴鲁crosstrek 旭豹新款汽车,让每个人都有一条属于自己的路,释放青春、梦想与自我,在路上将与你一同出发。斯巴鲁crosstrek 旭豹汽车配置、油耗、价格等详情请浏览斯巴鲁中国官网。
了解更多WEBSubaru Australia is your destination for new or used cars, hybrid SUV, dealers, car service and more. Whether you want to buy, sell, or trade your Subaru, you can find the best deals and offers here. Book a test drive today and discover the Subaru difference.
了解更多WEB释义. n. 富士; 斯巴鲁. 大小写变形: Subaru. 点击 人工翻译,了解更多 人工释义. 实用场景例句. 全部. Subaru says fuel economy and acceleration are up with either transmission. 斯巴鲁说,燃油经济性和加速上涨的可能传播.
了解更多WEBBuy Subaru Parts and Subaru Accessories online from your local Subaru retailer. Love every mile with OEM Subaru Parts and Accessories.
了解更多WEBSubaru's self-charging hybrid SUVs – Forester e-BOXER and Crosstrek. You can expect the same superior safety, go-anywhere capability and rugged reliability that Subaru SUVs are renowned for – with the added benefits of battery-based power. And all without the need to plug in to recharge. All Subaru self-charging hybrids feature:
了解更多WEB柴田 英司(Eiji Shibata) CDCO(最高デジタルカー責任者). 技術本部. 板東 信行(Nobuyuki Bando) SIA. 辻 裕里(Yuri Tsuji) CIO(最高情報責任者). IT戦略本部. 草深 英行(Hideyuki Kusabuka) 人事部. 株式会社SUBARU(スバル)の会社概要と役員一覧をご紹介しています。.
了解更多WEBFor Crosstrek Hybrid and Solterra, EPA-estimated MPG equivalent on a full battery charge. Actual mileage will vary. With a 2.4-liter, 228 hp BOXER engine, 184 pound-feet of torque, and track-tuned suspension, the BRZ delivers sports car …
了解更多WEBサステナビリティ・csr. subaruグループがお客様をはじめとするステークホルダーの皆様に「安心と愉しさ」を提供し、真のグローバル企業として従業員一人ひとりが成長の原動力となり、愉しく持続可能な社会の実現に貢献していくという想いを紹介しています。
了解更多WEBWelcome to Subaru country. The geographical forces that have conspired to shape New Zealand's stunning natural scenery also make it a tricky place to get around. Beyond the urban jungle, narrow, twisty roads, many unsealed, and weather that manages to cram four seasons into an afternoon demand a vehicle tailored to extremes. Made for Aotearoa ...