WEBMaraging steels form a class of iron alloys. This group of materials has a martensitic crystal structure and is strengthened via aging at approximately 500 °C (900 °F), hence the …
了解更多WEBNote: Consent can be revoked at any time for the future by sending an email to [email protected]. The material 1.2709 or X3NiCoMoTi18-9-5is a tool steel. …
了解更多WEBStahlwerkstoff: 1.2709 (DIN/EN) Der Werkstoff 1.2709 gehört zur Werkstoffgruppe "Werkzeugstähle Für Kaltarbeit". Der Stahlwerkstoff "1.2709" hat ein alternative Namen. Ebenso finden Sie die Chemische Analyse von 1.2709 weiter unten. Der Werkstoff "1.2709" beinhaltet Chrom, Kobalt, Mangan, Molybdän, Nickel, Phosphor, Schwefel, Silizium und ...
了解更多WEBThe minimum temperature to be reached for heat treatment is 490 °C. This applies also in the case where the required hardness is less than 54 HRC. In this case a temperature …
了解更多WEBDescription. EOS ToolSteel 1.2709 is an ultra high strength tooling grade maraging steel. Its excellent properties are enabled by forming intermetallic phases and precipitates in heat treatment. The properties enable successful use in diverse applications including injection molding and cold and hot working.
了解更多WEBMaraging Steel 1.2709. Maraging 300 is an age hardenable Iron-Nickel steel. It has exceptional strength and toughness, and thanks to specific heat treatment can achieve excellent hardness (up to 54 HRC). Most high …
了解更多WEB此外,1.2709钢材还具有良好的焊接性能,可用于生产大型模具和重载机械。. 1.2709钢材的主要机械性能如下:. 拉伸强度:约为2000MPa;. 屈服强度:约为1700MPa;. 伸长率:约为10%;. 硬度:约为63-65HRC。. 因此,1.2709钢材在模具、机械制造等领域具有广泛的应用前景 ...
了解更多WEBGeneral Material Structure Tool steels such as 1.2709 are primarily used for manufacturing tools and molds. They are characterized by a high
了解更多WEB模具钢1.2709是一种高品质的钢材,具有出色的韧性、强度和耐磨性。. 它非常适合用于制造大型模具、切割刀具和冲击工具等。. 此外,它还具有良好的热处理性能,能够承受高温和高强度负载。. 因此,它在很多工业领域都有广泛的应用,是一种非常可靠的材 …
了解更多WEB这些元素的合理比例使得钢材具有良好的化学稳定性和耐高温能力。. 2.制造工艺:1.2709采用特殊的冶炼和热处理工艺制造而成。. 通过精确的成分控制和优化的热处理过程,钢材的组织和性能得到了最大的提升。. 3.性能特点:1.2709具有以下突出特点:. a.耐 …
了解更多WEBProduct Description. BÖHLER M789 AMPO is a newly developed maraging steel, which combines the mechanical properties of 1.2709 with the corrosion resistance of 17-4PH. This patent bending grade can easily printed without any preheating and achieves a hardness of about 52 HRC with a very easy heat treatment.
了解更多WEBThe minimum temperature to be reached for heat treatment is 490 °C. This applies also in the case where the required hardness is less than 54 HRC. In this case a temperature above 500 °C has to be set. Procedure for heat treating: Reaching the target temperature (e.g. 510 °C) this must be maintained for min. 6 hours.
了解更多WEBMaraging Steel 1.2709 Powder Material Data Sheet Chemical Composition Elements [1] Fe Ni Co Mo Ti Al C Cr Co other Min [wt.%] Bal.17 4.5 …
了解更多WEBDescription. EOS ToolSteel 1.2709 is an ultra high strength tooling grade maraging steel. Its excellent properties are enabled by forming intermetallic phases and precipitates in heat treatment. The properties enable …
了解更多WEB纯工具钢 (1.2709) 适用于直接生产工具和模具,以及要求高强度和硬度的高性能部件。具有良好的可焊性和可加工性。
了解更多WEB1.2709 Datenblatt. Der Werkstoff 1.2709 bzw. X3NiCoMoTi18-9-5 ist ein höchstfester, martensitaushärtender Werkzeugstahl.
了解更多WEB3 个回答. 1.2709马氏体时效钢,对应牌号18Ni300或者C300,金属3D打印粉末材料。. 18Ni300,马氏体时效钢,金属3D打印粉末材料,欧洲牌号。. 又称MS1。. 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好 …
了解更多WEB1.2709 Hot Work Tool Steel. Tool steels such as 1.2709 are primarily used for manufacturing tools and molds. They are characterized by a high hardness combined with a high ductility. Their specific mechanical properties allow usage in high-stressed components due to its high wear resistance.The maximum operating temperatures can further reduce ...
了解更多WEBMaterial Data Sheet 4. Process Information. The powder tool steel 1.2709 provided by One Click Metal is opti-mized for the production of robust components with MPRINT+ and
了解更多WEBThe material 1.2709 belongs to the material group "Tool Steels For Cold Work". The steel material "1.2709" has one alternative name. We also have the chemical analysis of 1.2709 available for you below. The material "1.2709" contains Chrome, Cobalt, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Phosphorus, Silicon, Sulfur and Titanium.
了解更多WEBMaraging Steel 1.2709 Powder Material Data Sheet Chemical Composition Elements [1] Fe Ni Co Mo Ti Al C Cr Co other Min [wt.%] Bal.17 4.5 0 00 0 Max [wt.%] Bal.199.5 5.20.8 0.03 0.22 Rev_1 January 20/2020
了解更多WEB1.2709的加工和热处理. 1.2709的加工性能良好,但需要采用适当的加工工艺以确保其性能。. 对于1.2709的热处理,一般采用正火+淬火+回火的工艺,具体参数需要根据具体情况进行调整。. 综上所述,模具钢1.2709是一种优质的模具钢,具有高强度、高硬度、高 …
了解更多WEBWerkzeugstahl 1.2709. Der Werkzeugstahl 1.2709 ist vielseitig einsetzbar und zeichnet sich durch hohe Dehn- sowie Streckgrenzen aus. Damit eignet sich 1.2709 besonders gut zur Herstellung von Werkzeugeinsätzen und innovativen Formenbaukonstruktionen mit integrierten konturnahen Kühlungen für die Spritzguss- und Druckgusstechnik.
了解更多WEB中体新材-的3D打印金属粉末采用氩气和氮气雾化工艺。模具钢18Ni300的特点是流动性好,球形度高,氧含量低,卫星粉少,松比震实密度高,。颗粒分布有 15-53um、15-45um、50-150um、D50 10-15um、D50 5-7um。用于航空航天、散热器、汽车、医疗器械等的3D打印金属粉末。中体新材供应3D打印金属粉末包括铁基 ...
了解更多WEB什么是模具钢1.2709?模具钢1.2709是一种高硬度高强度的钢材,具有优异的抗磨性和抗腐蚀性,通常用于制造模具,如塑料模具和压铸模具。它是一种低合金工具钢,含有较高的碳和铬。此外,它还包含其他材料,如钼、钴和钨,这些元素可以提高其强度 …
了解更多WEB阿里巴巴供应德国1.2709高耐磨热作模具钢 1.2709工具钢 圆钢,模具钢,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。. 这是供应德国1.2709高耐磨热作模具钢 1.2709工具钢 圆钢的详细页面。. 原产国/地区:德国,是否进口:是,品名:冷作模具钢,货号:126512,材质:1.2709 ...
了解更多WEBEOS MaragingSteel MS1. Parts built in EOS MaragingSteel MS1 have a chemical composition corresponding to US classification 18% Ni Maraging 300, European 1.2709 …
了解更多WEBEOS MaragingSteel MS1. Parts built in EOS MaragingSteel MS1 have a chemical composition corresponding to US classification 18% Ni Maraging 300, European 1.2709 and German X3NiCoMoTi 18-9-5. This kind of steel is characterized by having very good mechanical properties, and being easily heattreatable using a simple thermal age …