WEBTaipei, Taiwan, January 19, 2022 - Gogoro® Inc., a global technology leader in battery swapping ecosystems that enable sustainable mobility solutions for cities, today announced the Yamaha EMF, Yamaha's second vehicle collaboration with Gogoro. Utilizing Gogoro's world-leading battery swapping platform for refueling, the EMF will be ...
了解更多WEB您使用包含軟體及網路功能的 Gogoro 產品及/或服務,包含但不限於數位儀表內含的地圖及導航功能、部分智慧電動機車車款支援的行車模式選擇等功能(以下統稱「軟體功能」)前,您應已理解且同意該等軟體功能均應適用以下規定:(1) 軟體功能可能由第三人 ...
了解更多WEBGogoro reserves the right to charge service fees for turn-by-turn real-time navigation after the expiration date (fees subject to Gogoro's announcement at that time), and will proactively notify users of the fee break down. At that time, you can decide whether to continue using turn-by-turn real-time navigation. The above offer cannot be ...
了解更多WEBSwap or Charge -Total Flexibility. Swap batteries in 6 seconds 4 at any one of GoStation® around Taiwan, or charge through any standard wall outlet using the GoCharger® Mobile. The perfect dual combination of swap and charge solution - only experienced and enabled by the Gogoro Energy Network.
了解更多WEB不論是擁有特大空間的VIVA XL、短距靈巧的VIVA MIX或是輕盈迷你的VIVA 智慧電動機車,. 今年八月,Gogoro VIVA 家族全車款,超親民首次入手價 42,980元起*,再享地方政府最高 10,000 元補助*,. 滿足你不同的車型 …
了解更多WEBReserve quickly. Book the ride you want and let the app guide you to it. When you reach your ride, everything you need is waiting for you. Go everywhere. Go forever. Hop on and enjoy the ride. Unlike other sharing services, GoShare gives you access to the Gogoro Network® so you can swap your batteries at any GoStation easily and extend your ride.
了解更多WEBMar 06, 2024. Gogoro to Hold Annual General Meeting on May 30, 2024. Feb 07, 2024. Gogoro Releases Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2023 Financial Results. Jan 31, 2024. Gogoro and Copec to Launch Two-wheel Battery Swapping Ecosystem in Latin America. Jan 30, 2024. Gogoro Unveils New Flagship Smartscooter, Pulse. Jan 22, 2024.
了解更多WEB無可比擬的極致輕盈電動單車 - Gogoro Eeyo 1s,全車重量 11.9 kg、最高續航里程 90 km。全碳纖維車架與前叉,全碳纖維座管、把手、輪組。
了解更多WEBSynchronized Braking System only available on Gogoro VIVA KEYLESS. Smart Anti-Theft:iQ system® Smart Keycard, Gogoro® App and smartphone connection required. 13,491 GoStation herein this page refer to the number of GoStation racks, which consist of 8 to 10 battery slots. The number includes GoStation® racks and sites both in operation …
了解更多WEB你可以於下列情境,使用 Gogoro Wallet 支付功能: 1. 於 Gogoro 全台直營與加盟門市購買車輛、精品配件及周邊商品、維修保養。(Gogoro 社區店、Gogoro 特約推廣站除外) ・開啟 Gogoro Wallet 掃碼支付功能 2. 於 Gogoro App 或 Gogoro Network App 中,繳納每月電池服務資費。
了解更多WEB車身造型保護套 - Gogoro 3 系列. $895. $1,790. 車身造型保護套 - S Performance. $945. $1,890. 注意事項:. 上述圖片僅供示意,請以實際產品為主。. 欲參加本活動之消費者(下稱「參加人」)於參加之同時,即視為同意本注意事項之規範;如不願同意本注意事項之全部 …
了解更多WEBGogoro SuperSport 以 SS 智駕電控核心重新定義智慧電動機車,更高的運算效能搭配智慧擴充功能,精準操控、動力零時滯、安全瞬時反應,均在毫秒間全盤調度,再加上遠端連網服務,與你的馭念同步,人車一體現在就實現。
了解更多WEBCompare technical specifications for the Gogoro 1, Gogoro 2, Gogoro 3, Gogoro S, Gogoro VIVA, and many more.
了解更多WEBGogoro is a Taiwanese company that developed a battery-swapping refueling platform for urban electric two-wheel scooters, mopeds and motorcycles. It also develops its own line of electric scooters and offers its own vehicle innovations to vehicle maker partners like Hero, Yamaha, Aeonmotor, PGO, eReady, and eMOVING. Gogoro also operates GoShare, a …
了解更多WEBGogoro S2 ADVENTURE 吃土計畫展開!. 這回選用了ZOO鋼絲輪圈、ZOO廢除SBS連動煞車機構、NCY N18浮動碟盤、MotoR鈦合金強化車台、鯊魚工廠X2 …
了解更多WEBGogoro 門市與服務中心; Gogoro 網路商店; 最新優惠; 政府補助試算; Gogoro 睿智選; Gogoro Eeyo 智慧電動單車; 支援與服務. 線上支援中心; 常見問題; Gogoro Care; 預約維修保養; 售後服務與保固政策; 政府補助進度查詢; 推薦進度查詢; 贈品進度查詢; 聯絡我們; 智慧 …
了解更多WEBTAIPEI, TAIWAN, JANUARY 30, 2023 – Gogoro Inc. (Nasdaq: GGR), a global technology leader in battery-swapping ecosystems that enable sustainable mobility solutions for cities, today unveiled its new flagship Smartscooter, Pulse. The Pulse is a testament to Gogoro's ongoing commitment to performance, innovation and design and …
了解更多WEBSafety above all else. Dual-disk brakes, all-LED lighting, and self-diagnostics on board. Smartscooter offers unparalleled safety for you and your vehicle. Breakthrough innovation and design deliver all-new levels of control, performance, simplicity. Experience the magic you've been missing. Welcome to your upgrade.
了解更多WEBGogoro and Jardine Cycle & Carriage are launching a Singapore pilot with plans to expand across other markets in the region. SINGAPORE, September 2, 2022 – Gogoro ® Inc. (Nasdaq: GGR), a global technology leader in battery swapping ecosystems that enable sustainable mobility solutions for cities, today announced that Singapore's …
了解更多WEBGogoro 資費方案如何挑選? 若是正常情況下,建議先從預選里程開始看起,因為騎乘里程是最好估算費用且可量化的數據,畢竟自由省方案是用電池耗電量來計價,再去換算可折抵里程數,但電池耗電量會根據使用情況,如坡度、載重量以及騎乘速度所影響,這樣便無法準確換算 1 安時能跑幾公里 ...
了解更多WEBGogoro昨(8)日針對蘋果(Apple)手機iPhone推出全新功能「Apple 錢包機車鑰匙」,可把iPhone當成Gogoro的車鑰匙,一碰觸就可解鎖騎車,讓車主直呼相當好用,不過有部份車型無法使用,也有人遇到安裝卡關的問題,聯合新聞網《科技玩家》來帶你操作Gogoro的「Apple 錢包機車鑰匙」還能能輕鬆用Apple Watch ...
了解更多WEBGogoro VIVA 如何手動進入休眠模式. 儀錶板旁的里程切換鍵 + 儀錶板 GO 鍵約 5 ~ 10 秒確定看到儀錶板出現或是閃爍驚嘆號為止,接著可以按壓鑰匙確認車輛是否還能正常解鎖,如果車輛無法解鎖與開車廂,代表車輛成功從喚醒模式進入休眠模式。. 下次在 …
了解更多WEB最高時速可達 68km/h,實驗可行駛里程最高可達 119km. 2/29~3/31 購入 JEGO、VIVA、Ai-4、EZ-1、Ur2 等綠牌動力車款. 可選用最新優惠資費來做計算. JEGO 車輛售價. 五款車色. 主打特點. 多樣特點. 相對於主打高科技與新技術的 Gogoro PULSE 相比,JEGO 可說是專門推出走向平價 ...
了解更多WEBSecond Quarter 2023 Summary. Revenue of $87.2 million, down 3.8% year-over-year and up 0.2% on a constant currency basis. Battery swapping service revenue of $33.3 million, up 9.6% year-over-year and up 14.2% on a constant currency basis. Gross margin of 15.2%, up from 14.0% in the same quarter last year.
了解更多WEBGogoro; Smartscooter® Gogoro Network® 尋找門市; 網路商店; 最新優惠; 支援服務. 支援服務中心 快速上手的車輛操作與支援; Gogoro Care 始終如一的全方位車主服務; 預約維修 …
了解更多WEBGogoro; Smartscooter® Gogoro Network® 尋找門市; 網路商店; 最新優惠; 支援服務. 支援服務中心 快速上手的車輛操作與支援; Gogoro Care 始終如一的全方位車主服務; 預約維修保養 推薦服務中心與選擇時段; 打造愛車; 預約試騎
了解更多WEBGogoro 2 Plus is the perfect canvas to customize with hundreds of accessories. Build your Smartscooter® just the way you want it. Your app will remind you when maintenance is needed and help you schedule an appointment at our Gogoro Service Center. And many standard wear items can be changed at your nearest garage.
了解更多WEBSANTIAGO, CHILE, JANUARY 31, 2024 – Gogoro Inc. (Nasdaq: GGR), a global technology leader in battery-swapping ecosystems that enable sustainable mobility solutions for cities, today announced it was partnering with leading Latin American energy company, Copec, to launch its battery swapping and Smartscooters in Chile and …
了解更多WEB隨著環保意識興起,越來越多人買機車時也考慮電動車,而說起電動車,許多人會第一個想到就是Gogoro,但是Gogoro評價如何?到底要選油車還是Gogoro呢?本篇 機車分期輕鬆GO 就要跟你分享 Gogoro 優缺點,以及新手買 Gogoro 前要考慮的5件事啦!讓你面對要不要買Gogoro,再也不會人云亦云 !
了解更多WEB因為 gogoro 每個縣市補助的價格不同,而一般機車的車款也很多,所以很難比較,因此本篇文章以每個月開銷做為比較基準. gogoro 和一般機車每個月的開銷花費有哪些地方不同? 每個月的開銷可以從 1) 油資/電池月費 2) 保養費用 3) 稅賦來進行比較