WEBAlloy Type Alloyed nickel (Ni + 22 % Cr + 9 % Mo - 3.5 % Nb) Shielding Gas I1, I3, R1 (EN ISO 14175) Typical Tensile Properties Condition Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation As Welded 550 MPa 780 MPa 40 % Typical Charpy V-Notch Properties Condition Testing Temperature Impact Value As Welded -196 °C 100 J Typical Wire Composition %
了解更多WEBThe following graphs are generated from a theoretical model. For further info see the Heat treatment guide module. Select a specific grade version for individual display. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 498A 30NiCrMo16-6 Tempering Diagram (hardness) Tempering temperature (°C) Hardness (Hv) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 …
了解更多WEB39NiCrMo3 / 1.6510 Stahl. 39NiCrMo3 / 1.6510 Stahl ist ein Nickel-Chrom-Molybdän-Stahl, der mindestens 0,85%Ni, 0,7%Cr, 0,2%Mo als verstärkende Legierungselemente enthält. Er eignet sich für verschiedene Wärmebehandlungen und zeigt eine ausgezeichnete Härtbarkeit, Festigkeit, Zähigkeit und gute …
了解更多WEB40 NiCrMo 3, UNI, UNI 7847, Prodotti finiti laminati a caldo in barre e rotoli di acciaio non legato o legato speciale per tempra superficiale. Qualità, prescrizioni e prove, UNI 8551, Prodotti finiti fucinati o stampati, allo stato bonificato o normalizzato, di acciaio, non legato o legato, speciale, destinati a tempra superficiale. Qualità, prescrizioni e prove
了解更多WEBASTM. USA. General use carbon steel bar. UNS G10050. UNS. USA. General use carbon steel bar. UNI 40 NiCrMo 2 KB UNI 40 NiCrMo 7 KB. This page cover the UNI 40 NiCrMo 7 chemical element, Mechanical Properties, UNI 40 NiCrMo 7 Datasheet, Cross Reference of UNI 40 NiCrMo 7 steel, Mainly used for .
了解更多WEBOK NiCrMo-3 Ni-based CrMoNb electrode for welding of Ni-alloys of the same or similar type as e.g. Inconel 625, for welding of 5% and 9% Ni steel. The electrode is very suitable for welding of 254 SMO, i.e. UNS S31254 steel. PE 4G Classifications: SFA/AWS A5.11:ENiCrMo-3, EN ISO 14172:E Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb)
了解更多WEBNiCrMo-3型,鎳基合金銲材. 在近代工業中,隨著海洋平台、核能以及化學工業的發展,各產業設備對於耐腐蝕與耐高溫強度的需求逐步提升,透過在銲材中添加Cr、Mo等元素,形成鎳基合金銲材 (NiCrMo-3),並廣泛應用在各產業中對於超低溫的高合金鋼、耐熱鋼、多層 ...
了解更多WEBAluminum (Al) 0.40 0.104 Carbon (C) 0.10 0.011 Chromium (Cr) 20.0-23.0 22.26 Copper (Cu) 0.50 0.026 Iron (Fe) 5.00 0.264 Manganese (Mn) 0.50 0.041 Molybdenum (Mo) 8.0 …
了解更多WEBThis page cover the 40 NiCrMo 2-2/40NiCrMo2-2 Chemical element, Mechanical Properties, 40NiCrMo2-2 Datasheet, Cross Reference of 40NiCrMo2-2 Mainly used for Heat treatable low alloyed MnNiCrMo steel.
了解更多WEBニッケルクロムモリブデン鋼鋼材(SNCM材)の特徴、用途、成分、機械的性質の一覧:機械構造用合金鋼の4鋼材の中では最も機械的性質に優れた材料ですが、高価な …
了解更多WEBOK Tigrod NiCrMo-3. Bare corrosion and heat-resisting Ni-Cr-Mo rods for welding of high alloyed heat-resisting and corrosion resisting materials, 9%Ni-steels and similar steels with high notch toughness at low temperatures. Also for joining of dissimilar metals of the types mentioned. The weld metal has very good mechanical properties at high ...
了解更多WEBERNiCrMo-3 DATA SHEET Pinnacle Alloys ERNiCrMo-3 (625) AWS CLASS ERNiCrMo-3 CODE AND SPECIFICATION DATA: AWS A5.14 ASME SFA 5.14; UNS N06625 ... Titanium (Ti) 0.40 0.209 . REV0316 Pinnacle Alloys are products of SOWESCO SOWESCO, LLC 9384 ...
了解更多WEB39nicrmo3 / 1.6510 鋼 鍛造g. aisi 9840鋼在1100℃-11500℃之間鍛造,950℃以下再加熱一次。aisi 9840具有良好的鍛造特性,但這種材料在冷卻不當時容易開裂,建議鍛造後在砂中或爐內冷卻.
了解更多WEB39NiCrMo3 / 1.6510 Acier Traitement thermique. Normaliser: 850 ℃ -880 ℃, Cool in air. Recuit doux: 650 ℃ -700 ℃, refroidir dans le four. Recuit complet: 830 ℃ -850 ℃, refroidissement dans le four, 235HB max. Durcissement: 830 ℃ -865 ℃, trempe à l'eau ou à l'huile. Trempe: 540 ° C - 680 ° C, frais en air calme.
了解更多WEB39NiCrMo3 / 1.6510 Steel è un acciaio al nichel-cromo-molibdeno che contiene almeno 0,85%Ni, 0,7%Cr, 0,2%Mo come elementi di lega di rinforzo. È adatto a diversi trattamenti termici e mostra un'eccellente temprabilità, resistenza, tenacità e buona lavorabilità a freddo. Dopo ricottura, questo materiale diventa lavorabile e regolato per il ...
了解更多WEB特点及用途:ER NiCrMo-3型氩弧焊丝(GTAW)和气保焊丝(GMAW)。用于焊接6%Mo超级奥氏体不锈钢,如S31254、N08926、N08367合625合金。 ... 用于相近Ni基钢材的焊接,如N10276、2.4819,亦可用于此类Ni基钢 …
了解更多WEBwt.-% 0.08 0.6 1.4 0.3 2.5 0.4 Mechanical properties of all-weld metal Condition Yield strength R p0,2 Tensile strength R m Elongation A (L 0=5d 0) Impact work ISO-V KV J MPa MPa % +20°C -40°C -60°C u 810 (≥ 690) 910 (770 – 960) 18 ( ≥17) 120 ≥ 47 u2 780 (≥ 690) 890 (770 – 960) 17 ( ≥17) ≥ 47 u untreated, as welded ...
了解更多WEBOK Autrod NiCrMo-3. A continuous solid corrosion and heat-resisting Ni-Cr-Mo wire for welding of high alloyed heat-resisting and corrosion resisting materials, 9%Ni-steels and similar steels with high notch toughness at low temperatures. Also for joining of dissimilar metals of the types mentioned. The weld metal has very good mechanical ...
了解更多WEBNiCrMo-3 welding wire is suitable for joining nickel-chromium-molybdenum nickel alloys and chromium-nickel-molybdenum steels with very high corrosion resistance in oxidizing, aqueous and high temperature environments such as 6Mo-steels, UNS N06625 (2.4856) and corresponding grades. It is also suitable for joining stainless steels and nickel alloys …
了解更多WEBThis page cover the GS-40 NiCrMo 6 5 6/GS-40NiCrMo656 Chemical element, Mechanical Properties, GS-40NiCrMo656 Datasheet, Cross Reference of GS-40NiCrMo656 Mainly used for Heat-treatable steel casting for forgings with wall thicknesses up to 100 mm.
了解更多WEB39NiCrMo3 / 1.6510 Steel é um aço de níquel-cromo-molibdênio que contém pelo menos 0,85%Ni, 0,7%Cr, 0,2%Mo como elementos de liga de reforço. É adequado para diferentes tratamentos térmicos e mostra excelente temperabilidade, resistência, tenacidade e boa trabalhabilidade a frio. recozido, este material se torna usinável e ajustado ...
了解更多WEB0.03 0.2 0.4 62.8 21.7 9.3 3.3 2.0 Deposition Data Diameter Current Voltage Efficiency (%) Fusion time per electrode at 90% I max Deposition Rate 2.5 x 300.0 mm 55-75 A 23 V 55 % 40 sec 0.9 kg/h 3.2 x 350.0 mm 65-100 A 25 V 56 % 52 sec 1.4 kg/h 4.0 x 350.0 mm 80-140 A 27 V 58 % 57 sec 1.9 kg/h 5.0 x 350.0 mm 120-170 A 24 V 58 % 72 sec 2.1 kg/h
了解更多WEB40CrNiMoA steel equivalent to European Germany DIN EN, UK BS EN, France NF EN 10083-3, grade 39NiCrMo3. Alloy Steel. World Material 153 posts. 40CrNiMo …
了解更多WEBNICRMO-3. NiCrMo-3 es una aleación resistente a elevadas temperaturas y una gran estabilidad estructural. También se usa por su resistencia a la corrosión en general, a las picaduras, grietas y posee un excelente comportamiento anta la corrosión bajo tensión en medios altos en cloruro. Buenas propiedades desde -269ºC hasta los 1000ºC aprox.
了解更多WEBThis page cover the 40 NiCrMo 3/40NiCrMo3 Chemical element, Mechanical Properties, 40NiCrMo3 Datasheet, Cross Reference of 40NiCrMo3 Mainly used for Superficial hardening steels. Grades and types.
了解更多WEBThe mechanical properties of annealed AISI 8740 alloy steel are outlined in the table below. Properties. Metric. Imperial. Tensile strength. 695 MPa. 101000 psi. Yield strength. 415 …
了解更多WEBCompare. NiCrMo-4 is a low carbon nickel-chrome-molybdenum alloy of type alloy C-276. It is a versatile alloy with excellent wet corrosion resistance in oxidizing and especially in reducing media. However, in oxidizing chloride containing environments alloy UNS N06022 (2.4602) is preferred where NiCrMo-10 is a better matching welding consumable.
了解更多WEBOK Autrod NiCrMo-3 A continuous solid corrosion and heat-resisting Ni-Cr-Mo wire for welding of high alloyed heat-resisting and corrosion resisting materials, 9% Ni-steels and similar ... Stress Relieved 15hr 550°C 490 MPa 796 MPa 40 % SHT 375 MPa 765 MPa 46 % SHT 270 MPa 590 MPa 46 % Typical Wire Composition % C Mn Si Ni Cr Mo Fe …