WEBGR86 comes with impressive levels of performance. The 2.4L 4-cylinder naturally aspirated boxer engine pumps out 228 hp and 184 lb.-ft. of torque for quick 0-60 mph acceleration that'll keep you planted in your seat.
了解更多WEBトヨタ自動車 が2024年度上半期(4~9月)に仕入れ先の部品メーカーに支払う鋼材加工賃を引き上げる方針を決めたことが29日、分かった ...
了解更多WEB日本製鉄がトヨタ自動車に納める自動車用鋼材の2022年冬の価格交渉が、約2万円の大幅値上げで決着した。 日鉄は強気の姿勢で、2回連続で大幅な ...
了解更多WEBToyota Motor Corporation (Japanese: トヨタ自動車株式会社, Hepburn: Toyota Jidōsha kabushikigaisha, IPA:, English: / t ɔɪ ˈ j oʊ t ə /, commonly known as simply Toyota) is a Japanese multinational automotive manufacturer headquartered in Toyota City, Aichi, Japan.It was founded by Kiichiro Toyoda and incorporated on August 28, 1937. Toyota …
了解更多WEBA NEW ICON. The new C-HR will display a blue circle icon and HEV badges on the vehicle. HEV stands for Hybrid Electric Vehicle. From March 2024, Toyota Australia will progressively roll out a blue circle icon badge which will be affixed to a range of select powertrains across the Toyota Australia portfolio in months to come.
了解更多WEB1966. E210. 2018. Global. Compact sedan ( C-segment) marketed globally. Traditionally the best-selling Toyota model worldwide. The Prestige model has been marketed in Europe, Asia (except Japan) and South America, while the Sporty model has been marketed in North America, Australasia, and China (as the Levin).
了解更多WEBPush the boundaries like never before with the power of i-FORCE MAX. Amped with more horsepower and greater torque, Toyota's line of hybrid trucks is engineered to allow power to be transferred efficiently, with no discernable lag, so you can get more out of your drive. i-FORCE MAX V6 Hybrid. 437 Max Horsepower. 583 Max Lb.-Ft. of Torque.
了解更多WEBToyota Motor Corporation Site introduces "Toyota Production System". Toyota strives to be a good corporate citizen trusted by all stakeholders and to contribute to the creation of an affluent society through all its business operations. We would like to introduce the Corporate Principles which form the basis of our initiatives, values that enable the …
了解更多WEB1689.53 ha. Promote sound forest management based on forest resource information and establish a healthy forest that can fulfill public functions. The Toyota Motor Corporation Official Website's "Sustainability" page. Toyota is continuously dedicating itself to promoting and contributing to the sustainable development of society and the …
了解更多WEB4、生产条件:4条最新技术的生产线。5、主要生产品目:汽车大型外板件的板料。 四、公司的性质: 我公司在丰田本社的指导下,按照丰田的生产管理方式进行开卷、清洗、校平、切断、等工序的生产。主要客户为:天津一汽丰田汽车有限公司。
了解更多WEBCustomer Incentive offers valid on retail delivery of select new unregistered Toyota vehicles, when purchased or leased (as applicable - see chart eligibility details; if no details then purchase and lease are both eligible) from a Canadian Toyota dealership. Vehicle must be purchased/leased, registered and delivered between April 2, 2024 and ...
了解更多WEBThe Spirit of Adventure Lives On. The all-new 2024 Land Cruiser allows you to explore new worlds with confidence, in modern form. Sporting a "TOYOTA" heritage front grille, square side mirrors and athletic fender flares, this rig is ready for adventure, whether it's conquering rugged trails or navigating through the urban jungle.
了解更多WEB常用钢材-基础知识.ppt; 超高-强度钢回弹.pptx; 高强钢-在长安汽车上的应用.pptx; 钢板-分类及各类钢板知识.doc; 汽车焊接-高强度钢的焊接.pdf; 汽车上都有些什么高强度钢?.pdf; 汽车用钢知识介绍.pptx; 商用车-轻量化和高强度钢板的应用.ppt
了解更多WEB无取向电工钢一度也是"工业皇冠上的明珠"之一,但中国在2020年的产量达到了960.49万吨,跃居全球第一,在国内新能源汽车需求大爆发的支撑下,宝钢等钢铁企业的技术实力不断增强,产品性能也开始超越日本同行,丰田正是出于这样的原因才选择与宝钢 …
了解更多WEB【车身镀锌实测】别克英朗 丰田卡罗拉有用镀锌钢板吗 防锈怎么样 发布于 2023.7.31 17:10 次播放 【车身镀锌实测】别克英朗 丰田卡罗拉有用镀锌钢板吗?
了解更多WEB自動車鋼板、5期連続の値上げ トヨタと日本製鉄が4~9月分で合意. 日本製鉄 が トヨタ自動車 に納める鋼材をめぐる両社の価格交渉は、2023年度 ...
了解更多WEBトヨタ、2023年年度上期の部品会社向け鋼材価格を「据え置き」へ[新聞ウォッチ]. エネルギー価格や鉄鉱石などの原材料高により続いてきた鋼材 ...
了解更多WEBOur Hybrids comprise two engines: one petrol, one electric. They work together to deliver smooth power and responsive torque. More Articles. Experience Toyota KSA with Abdul Latif Jameel – Browse our latest models, enjoy dedicated services and our commitment to automotive innovation in Saudi Arabia.
了解更多WEB自動車鋼板、5期連続値上げ、トヨタと日鉄が4-9月分で合意-報道. 日本製鉄 と トヨタ自動車 による2023年度上半期(4-9月)分の鋼材の価格 ...
了解更多WEB丰田tnga本身是全新的全球架构. 目前知道的是~ 凯美瑞tnga架构国产版与美版是同一个车身架构,同样严格的安全标准。 (但要说两者的白车身各处使用的钢材,在执行同样的安全标准下有何不同,我不知道。国产凯美瑞也不能拿到iihs去做测试。
了解更多WEBトヨタグループを支える、自動車用資材の安定供給基地. 自動車に特化した埠頭、倉庫、加工、輸送など業界最大級の設備を保有。. 全国の鉄鋼メーカーから鋼材を受け入れ、 …
了解更多WEB就以上的被动安全性而言,一汽丰田皇冠陆放符合30万级SUV的主流水准。. 跟同级车型相比具有一定优势,例如同级的本田冠道就只是全系标配了6个安全气囊。. 而上文咱们提到,一款汽车安全与否,除被动安全配置外还跟主动安全配置有关。. 在这方面,皇 …
了解更多WEBChiyoda Corporation (hereinafter "Chiyoda") and Toyota Motor Corporation (hereinafter "Toyota") have agreed to jointly develop a large-scale electrolysis system and construct a strategic partnership and have signed a basic agreement on cooperation.The goal is to contribute to achieving the government targets for the introduction of …
了解更多WEB丰田系车型批量地在中保研碰撞成绩榜单中"霸榜"明显不是偶然事件,这些碰撞成绩名列前茅的车型无一例外都是tnga车型,那为什么tnga可以为车辆带来如此高的安全性呢? ... 在车身材料方面,tnga架构下的车型均采用了高刚性goa车身,车身上的高强度钢材 ...
了解更多WEBFrom the available 14-in. Toyota Audio Multimedia touchscreen, to the available Panoramic View Monitor and available Trailer Backup Guide, Tundra's looking out for you in more ways than one. Explore Technology Designed Tough. Ultra-Durable Bed Available in 5.5-ft., 6.5-ft. and 8.1-ft. lengths, Tundra's standard composite bed acts as a shield ...